Defrocked priest reinstated, supported by Metropolitan Isaiah

May 27, 2008

Bishop Isaiah of DenverA priest defrocked for “ethical and sexual reasons” has now been reinstated, and is supported by Metropolitan Isaiah:

“The Synod decided the reinstatement of defrocked priest John Theodore to the active priesthood and ministry of the church. Fr. Theodore had been defrocked e few years ago for alleged ethical and sexual reasons. The reasoning behind the reinstatement of Fr. Theodore was that “he has repented” and also “to give him a second chance.” Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver supports him wholeheartedly. The Holy Synod had discussed Fr. Theodore’s case in its meeting on March 2007.” source

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Petition call for help for victims of OCA clergy abuse

May 27, 2008

Petition call for help for victims of OCA clergy abuseMatushka Carol Bacha has started a petition calling for help for victims of OCA clergy abuse

Click here to learn more about the petition or sign up to add your support.

Baptist Church Demonstrates Proper Handling of Clergy Sexual Misconduct

May 25, 2008

Prestonwood Church puts Orthodox Handling of Clergy Sexual Misconduct to Shame

Editor’s note: The article below shows the real scandal in such situations: “The truly damaging scandals arise when church leaders mishandle these crises by failing to treat them with the gravity they deserve. Many in church authority have failed their calling and their congregations under similar conditions, through defensiveness, dissimulation and deferring hard decisions.” (Source)

We encourage our readers to contact their respective Orthodox Bishops and admonish them to read this article to learn a lesson on how to appropriately handle clergy sexual abuse.

Editorial: Prestonwood Church does the right thing
Date: Sunday, May 25, 2008

It is quite possibly a church’s worst nightmare: a minister caught in sexual impropriety involving a child.

We’ve seen this play out time and time again over the past few years, particularly in the Roman Catholic Church. Bishop Kevin Farrell, the new Catholic ordinary in Dallas, told this newspaper’s Sam Hodges recently that the diocese is short of money. The bishop didn’t elaborate, but one reason for the financial shortfall is the tens of millions of dollars paid out locally to clerical sex abuse victims. And it’s impossible to put a dollar figure on the loss of trust and confidence in church authorities.

Why has it been so difficult for the institutional leaders in churches to understand what’s at stake for their credibility in these ugly matters? Read the rest of this entry »

Court Orders More Records Released in Fr. Nicholas Graff Lawsuit

May 22, 2008

Court Orders More Records Released in Lawsuit Involving local Greek Orthodox PriestArticle: Court Orders More Records Released in Lawsuit Involving local Greek Orthodox Priest

Date Published: 5/16/2008

Publication: First Coast News (Jacksonville FL)

JACKSONVILLE, FL — Father’s Day cards are now part of the mounting legal paperwork in a lawsuit involving a former local Greek Orthodox priest and a teenage boy.

The Very Reverend Nicholas Graff is being sued by the mother and grandparents of the boy identified as ”John Doe” because of his age at the time.

Until last June Graff served as a religious leader at the St. John the Divine Greek Orthodox Church in Jacksonville.

The lawsuit alleges that obsessive and inappropriate behavior by Graff escalated into sexual misconduct.

The boy was 10 years old at the time, according to court documents. Read the rest of this entry »

New Poll: Should parishes have power to screen clergy?

May 15, 2008

Should parishes have power to screen clergy?Orthodox Reform is conducting a new poll:

Should Orthodox parishes be allowed to do background checks on clergy which Bishops assign to them? Or should clergy be exempt from any parish background screening?

Vote on the sidebar to the right and make your opinion heard.

Survey: How many priests back open discussion of clergy sexual misconduct?

May 15, 2008

Emotional and psychosexual maturity of priests

A recent poll of Orthodox Clergy by the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute conducted a first of its kind survey of a variety of issues.

Responses show the percentage of clergy who said that the following subjects are very important and should be the topic of open discussion within the church. Note the following responses which in some cases related to clergy sexual misconduct:

Emotional and psychosexual maturity of priests:
45% of GOA clergy said it should be discussed openly
29% of OCA of OCA clergy said it should be discussed openly

Problems of sexual misconduct by priests:
43% of GOA clergy said it should be discussed openly
25% of OCA clergy said it should be discussed openly

Clergy divorces and remarriage of divorced priests:
62% of GOA clergy said it should be discussed openly
17% of OCA clergy said it should be discussed openly

Family problems of the Orthodox Priests:
55% of GOA clergy said it should be discussed openly
25% of OCA clergy said it should be discussed openly

Read more about the study at Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute

Bishop Nikolai Retired By Synod

May 15, 2008

Bishop Nikolai Retired By SynodArticle: “OCA Holy Synod issues statements on Diocese of Alaska at 2008 Spring Meeting”

Date Published: 5/13/2008

Publication: Orthodox Church in America Website

SYOSSET, NY [OCA Communications] — The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America, meeting at the OCA Chancery in Oyster Bay Cove, NY, May 13 to 15, 2008, has issued the following statements concerning the Diocese of Alaska.

”The Holy Synod of Bishops, meeting at its full, regular Spring Session, reviewed the Leave-of-absence of His Grace, NIKOLAI, Bishop of Sitka, Anchorage, and Alaska, in accordance with the request of Bishop NIKOLAI that this be reviewed at the May Session, rather than at the October Session. The Holy Synod of Bishops of The Orthodox Church in America, meeting at the Chancery in Oyster Bay Cove, New York, effective May 13, 2008, retired His Grace Bishop NIKOLAI (Soraich) from the Diocese of Alaska, with the title ‘Former Bishop of Sitka.’ He remains, in retirement, a Bishop of the Orthodox Church in America.” Read the rest of this entry »

Moschonas Proclaims Innocence, Says Accuser was “Like a Granddaughter”

May 12, 2008

St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Tucson, ArizonaDate Published: 5/12/2008
Author: Theodore Kalmoukos
Publication: The National Herald

BOSTON – Rev. Protopresbyter Anthony Moschonas, a retired priest from Tucson, Arizona who has been accused by an 18 year old female former parishioner for sexual misconduct last summer in Greece, maintained his innocence and believes that his accuser made these claims “because she needs money,” in an interview with The National Herald.

No criminal charges have been filed against Moschonas, but the young lady has filed a civil lawsuit in which she is identified as “Jane Doe,” which states that the alleged sexual contact occurred during a trip to Athens, Greece ― a trip she says the priest gave her as a gift for her 18th birthday. Read the rest of this entry »

Commentaries on Moschonas Lawsuit

May 12, 2008

newspaper_icon.jpgTheodore Kalmoukos from The National Herald wrote two additional commentaries in his paper’s latest edition regarding the Moschonas Lawsuit.

In one entitled “Yet another lawsuit“, Kalmoukos said:

Yet another priest – a retired clergyman from Tucson, Arizona – has been accused of sexual misconduct against an 18-year-old girl in yet another lawsuit. The story sent shock waves throughout the community. We have already had too many sexual abuse scandals to be able to absorb another one. Source

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OCA Discusses Rules Governing Sexual Misconduct Investigations

May 9, 2008

OCA addresses Alaska crisisMinutes of the OCA Spring Metropolitan Council Meeting (March 31 to April 2, 2008 included discussions on sexual misconduct policies and procedures. These clarifications contradicted earlier opinions floated by some hierarchs that only “Bishops should investigate Bishops” (source). The idea of forming an advisory board to “assist the Office and Church leadership in addressing allegations of sexual abuse” was also discussed.

An excerpt from the meeting: Read the rest of this entry »