Father Nicholas Katinas To Be Defrocked

June 30, 2007

Katinas Being DefrockedThe following article appeared in the recently released issue of The National Herald. Online subscribers can read the original article online.

Father Nicholas Katinas To Be Defrocked
By Theodore Kalmoukos

Decision made after recommendation of Archbishop Demetrios

BOSTON – Rev. Nicholas Katinas who has been accused of pedophilia while pastoring in Greek Orthodox parishes in Olympia Fields, Illinois and Dallas, Texas will be defrocked according to a recent decision by the First Degree Spiritual Court of the Direct Archdiocesan District of New York after the recommendation of Archbishop Demetrios. The decision was announced by Archbishop Demetrios last Tuesday in a special meeting of the Holy Eparchial Synod. Read the rest of this entry »

The National Herald: Finally a decision on Katinas

June 30, 2007

The following editorial appeared in the recently released issue of The National Herald. Online subscribers can read the original article online.

Finally a decision on Katinas

After a long and disturbing refusal to do the right thing, Archbishop Demetrios finally decided, as we are reporting today, to defrock Fr. Nicholas Katinas, for allegedly sexually molesting young children over a period of decades.

Better late than never, as the proverb goes. But why the foot dragging from the Archbishop on a case that was clear cut from the beginning? Read the rest of this entry »

GOAA Synod Meeting Votes To Defrock Katinas

June 27, 2007

btn_archdiocese.jpgBreaking news from the GOAA: The Greek Orthodox Synod met yesterday and recommended suspended priest, Nicholas Katinas, be deposed. His case is now in the hands of the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople.

Press Release of the Holy Eparchial Synod

June 27, 2007

New York – The Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America convened on June 26, 2007 as a Spiritual Court of the Second Instance to hear the pending case of the suspended priest, Nicholas Katinas.

The Holy Eparchial Synod, after careful examination of the recommendation of the Spiritual Court of the First Instance of the Direct Archdiocesan District, decided in accordance with the Holy Canons of the Church, to propose the defrocking of the aforementioned clergyman.

This decision, according to canonical procedure, will be submitted to the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate which has the final authority to decide on the matter and issue a decree of defrocking.

During the same meeting the Holy Eparchial Synod examined carefully, and with special pastoral care, other issues relevant to the clergy of the Archdiocese and made the appropriate decisions.

From the Office of the Holy Eparchial Synod

Contact: Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos
Tel.: 212.570.3547

Read the original press release here.

Angered by the Actions of Metropolitan Isaiah and Katinas

June 27, 2007

Call for ArticlesThis Letter to the Editor appeared in The National Herald:

June 22, 2007

To the Editor:

Astonishing and infuriating were the two words that kept coming to my mind as I read your article on Metropolitan Isaiah’s sermon to the Dallas parish about Father Katina’s pedophilia problem. Astonishment at his comments like, “If he did, I don’t know,” and “I have no information.” Where has the Metropolitan been these last two months? Archbishop Demetrios and Isaiah’s brother Metropolitan’s on the Synod on which he also serves have stated publicly that they had the information and know what had gone on. Why didn’t Metropolitan Isaiah? I think we can all rest assured that the Archbishop looked deep into the facts of the case before taking the serious action that he took with Fr. Katinas. He would not have done it if the proof was not indisputable. Read the rest of this entry »

Fourth Fr. Katinas Victim Brings New Allegations

June 14, 2007

New Allegations Against KatinasNew allegations are being made as a fourth victim joins the lawsuit against Fr. Katinas, Holy Trinity, and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Referred to as “Doe III”, these new charges bring to four the total number of people in the lawsuit who have gone on record to allege sexual abuse at the hands of Fr. Nicholas Katinas.

Doe III claims abuse not as an altar boy, but as a Roman Catholic friend of the family who happened to be having a sleepover at Katinas’ house after Halloween trick-or-treating. The suit says of Fr. Katinas:

His sexual abuse of his sons’ boyhood friend, John Doe III, demonstrated he was, indeed, not just a menace but a predator.

The details of this document are truly disturbing. The lawsuit charges that the GOAA acted in a ‘conspiracy’ to cover the abuses up, and knew Fr. Katinas was a sex abuser but allowed him to continue in a position of power. Read the rest of this entry »

Metropolitan Isaiah Questions Fr. Katinas’ Guilt

June 13, 2007

Metropolitan IsaiahMetropolitan Isaiah (Fr. Katinas’s Bishop up until Fr. Katinas was suspended) visited Holy Trinity (Fr. Katinas’s home parish) and gave a sermon on Sunday May 27, 2007 that made several troubling statements. Highlights from Metropolitan Isaiah‘s comments included:

  • Calling into question if Katinas was in fact a fallen priest and if there really are any victims
  • Dismissing any alleged victims because of their age
  • Saying the real victims are those that must endure the scandal (Holy Trinity, Fr. Katinas’ wife, etc.)
  • Indicating Katinas could be exonerated and re-elevated to full priestly status
  • Implying since Katinas has not been sent to a monastery, then he has fully repented or is not guilty
  • Saying defrocking means nothing
  • Saying “I like a fight” and that he is willing to defend his comments above

The full text of Metropolitan Isaiah’s sermon is available online at The National Herald, and is reprinted here: Read the rest of this entry »

Diocese of Spokane emerges from clergy sex-abuse bankruptcy

June 7, 2007

Bishop William S. Skylstad of SpokaneHighlighting the severe legal liability of not adequately dealing with sexual abuse issues, recent developments reveal childhood victims of abuse by priests in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane will be receiving $48 million:

The Diocese of Spokane emerged from bankruptcy May 31, two-and-a-half years after it entered Chapter 11 federal bankruptcy proceedings.

The diocese and its parishes still have to raise millions of dollars for the $48 million fund that will be used to compensate childhood victims of clergy sexual abuse and to pay the professional fees of the bankruptcy proceeding and expenses incurred in determining the claims.

Will the money help the victims to heal? Bishop William S. Skylstad had this to say: Read the rest of this entry »

Resources for Orthodox Safe Environment Programs

June 6, 2007

Policy & Procedures on Sexual MisconductWe are please to offer for download an excellent resource to aid Orthodox Parishes in implementing a Safe Environment program. This “Policy & Procedures on Sexual Misconduct” document contains many items that were suggested by the speaker at the Fall 2006 SCOBA Bishop’s workshop. This document was produced by Fr. J. Gregory Waynick, serving at Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church in Florence, SC. Fr. Gregory developed this policy while at St. Mark Greek Orthodox Church in Boca Raton, FL. Many of the ideas in the Policy came from Fr. Gregory’s research of documents from other Christian groups.

This document can serve as an excellent starting point for parishes constructing their own Safe Environment program to protect our children.

Also available for download is a list of training resources that can aid in educating your church on these matters of safety. Read the rest of this entry »

How the Catholic Church is Handling Clergy Sex Abuse

June 5, 2007

collar.pngAngelo J. Loumbas, a practicing attorney, former prosecutor of child abuse and neglect cases in Illinois, and former altar boy for Father Katinas, had this to say in The National Herald regarding recent sexual misconduct allegations:

As a former altar boy for Father Katinas when he served as the priest of Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Olympia Fields, Illinois in the 1970’ (though fortunately not a victim of his alleged misconduct) I, along with others from that parish, have struggled to grasp how a priest of such talent, ability and popularity, who was also a married father of five children himself, could have been committing such moral transgressions.

Loumbas asks questions regarding our responsibility as stewards of our children: Read the rest of this entry »

Laity Speaks Out Against Alleged Clergy Sex Abuse

June 4, 2007

behrakis.pngSeveral leading Greek Orthodox laity speak out on the issue of clergy sex abuse:

George Behrakis, a member of the Archdiocesan Council’s Executive Committee and Chairman of the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund – a not-for-profit religious corporation which supports the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America’s ministries and programs – openly questioned why Father Katinas has not already been removed from the ranks of the clergy, citing Archbishop Demetrios of America and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople as the responsible decision makers.

Behrakis discussed the risk to the Leadership 100 Endowment fund: Read the rest of this entry »