Interest in Orthodox Reform Issues Explodes

Interest in Orthodox Sexual Misconduct Reform Explodes

We installed tracking software two weeks ago so we could monitor the number of visitors to our site. The results have been amazing. We have had almost 3,000 visitors to our web site in the last two weeks alone. This audience reads a lot of articles — our visitors viewed over 10,000 pages in that same two week period.

Why the swell in interest? We believe people want to be informed about these critical issues, both to protect our children and to voice our concerns to effect change. Those who have been victims of sex abuse at the hands of clergy need support — and the laity needs to hold our church leadership accountable to prevent sexual misconduct issues in the future.

Keep coming back to our site to read the latest on breaking news. Also, drop us any comments you have at so we can improve our site and increase the accuracy of our information.

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