More Tough Questions on Katinas Situation

Further tough questions are being raised by the The National Herald regarding how the Katinas situation has been handled:

While it’s true that stories like these tarnish the Church’s image, a priest who is accused of committing such heinous crimes, and who might also have a history of doing so, should not be transferred from community to community, unsettling the lives of entire families and congregations, as was the case with some Catholic priests.

What message does this send to the victims? The National Herald writes:

Second, what message does a mild punishment send to other priests who might be committing similar crimes? Don’t worry if you’re caught because you’ll be protected?

Third, it’s difficult to understand why His Eminence was dragging his feet with the Holy Eparchial Synod. As we reported last week, he was “visibly bothered” by questions posed by his fellow hierarchs and said, “Father Katinas has admitted his mistake. He is already retired, and is of advanced age.”

Does that absolve Father Nick of responsibility for any crimes he might have committed? What about the lives and rights of the alleged victims? How do they feel about seeing their oppressors being protected? How do they feel about being denied moral and monetary compensation in their efforts to put their lives back together?

The Greek Orthodox hierarchy has done little to answer these tough questions. As the media firestorm on this topic continues, we are hopeful they will begin to listen and respond to the widespread reaction of outrage to these starling revelations.

One Response to More Tough Questions on Katinas Situation

  1. Raymond Maloney says:

    I’m grateful that you are so outspoken in talking to the Church. We need to really hear, and respond to the tragedy of sexual abuse by the clergy. As a former Roman Catholic priest, and now a priest of the Episcopal Church, I’m shocked at my own hardness of heart and the slow awareness of the tragedy of abuse, let alone by the clergy. It’s a kind of spiritual murder. Thanks for your clear understanding, and peace! In Christ.

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