Protecting Fr. Katinas: A Risky Business

March 31, 2007

Fr. Katinas Charged with Sexual MisconductIn the aftermath of the Holy Eparchial Synod in New York on March 14-15 where the Fr. Nick Katinas scandal was debated, another scathing article from The National Herald charges Archbishop Demetrios with endangering the Greek Orthodox Church with his handling of the Fr. Katinas situation:

…with his entire approach to the highly sensitive matter concerning alleged pedophilia involving Rev. Nicholas Katinas, the former longtime pastor of Holy Trinity Church in Dallas, Archbishop Demetrios of America’s last mask of false piety has fallen. His Eminence has appeared to be completely insensitive toward the victims and their families, even putting the entire Church and our Greek American community at risk, with potentially serious consequences . . . the Archbishop’s refusal to do what obviously needs to be done – i.e., send Father Katinas to Spiritual Court, as he should have done by now, and proceed to defrock him – leads the Church in America down a dark and dangerous path.

The article implores the Hierarchs to prevent the “imminent chaos facing our Church” which poses a dire liability and financial threat to the Greek Orthodox community: Read the rest of this entry »

Continued Calls for Bishop Savas Resignation

March 30, 2007

Another call from The National Herald for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese chancellor, Bishop Savas of Troas, “who spoke contemptuously about other members of the Synod”, to be reprimanded and removed from his position. Read the rest of this entry »

Interest in Orthodox Reform Issues Explodes

March 28, 2007

Interest in Orthodox Sexual Misconduct Reform Explodes

We installed tracking software two weeks ago so we could monitor the number of visitors to our site. The results have been amazing. We have had almost 3,000 visitors to our web site in the last two weeks alone. This audience reads a lot of articles — our visitors viewed over 10,000 pages in that same two week period.

Why the swell in interest? We believe people want to be informed about these critical issues, both to protect our children and to voice our concerns to effect change. Those who have been victims of sex abuse at the hands of clergy need support — and the laity needs to hold our church leadership accountable to prevent sexual misconduct issues in the future.

Keep coming back to our site to read the latest on breaking news. Also, drop us any comments you have at so we can improve our site and increase the accuracy of our information.

Archbishop Refusing to Have Fr. Katinas Defrocked

March 24, 2007

Archbishop Demetrios Refusing to Defrock Fr. KatinasA revealing article from the March 23 issue of The National Herald:

BOSTON – Archbishop Demetrios of America is so far refusing to send Rev. Nicholas Katinas, former pastor of Holy Trinity Church in Dallas, to Spiritual Court for defrocking, effectively keeping him on suspended status indefinitely.

The Archbishop reportedly told members of the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Church in America last week that Father Katinas wishes to avoid being defrocked because he wants to be buried as a priest, not as a layman.

The article gives some disturbing background on this situation: Read the rest of this entry »

Bishop Savas to Be Removed For Mishandling Sexual Misconduct Cases?

March 23, 2007

Bishop Savas is the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese chancellor in charge of sexual misconduct cases. Although Fr. Michael Kontogiorgis handles much of the day-to-day operations of sexual misconduct cases, Bishop Savas is ultimately responsible. Will he be removed? The March 23 issue of The National Herald has this headline: Read the rest of this entry »

Fr. Nick Katinas — Time to come clean

March 23, 2007

Continuing editorials on the Fr. Nick Katinas charges, which are being “mismanaged so grossly that it … raises serious ethical questions” from a March 23rd article on The National Herald

Time to come clean

The case of Rev. Nicholas Katinas, the suspended former pastor of the Dallas community who is accused of sexual misconduct with minors, has shocked the community.

Instead of being resolved in a proper way, however, it is being mismanaged so grossly that it not only raises serious ethical questions, but also demonstrates a lack of understanding of such proportions about the potential implications – and the threats those implications pose to the financial welfare of the Archdiocese – it’s almost frightening.

Read the rest of this entry »

Our Church Should Insist on Disclosure and Transparency

March 22, 2007

A call for accountability on sex abuse lawsuit payouts in a letter to the Editor of  The National Herald:

Our Church Should Insist on Disclosure and Transparency

March 20, 2007

To the Editor:

It is dismaying to read Theodore Kalmoukos’ articles in your March 10 edition concerning allegations of sexual abuse involving a longtime Greek Orthodox priest. What is equally distressing and alarming is to read, in these same articles, how our Archdiocese may have attempted to hide this alleged crime.
Read the rest of this entry »

The Defrocking of Fr. Timothy Blumentritt

March 16, 2007

Fr. Timothy Blumentritt Suspension in The Orthodox Church magazineFr. Timothy Blumentritt, accused of sexual abuse in a lawsuit recently filed against OCA’s St. Vladimir’s Seminary, was suspended and deposed in 2005.

The Nov/Dec. 2005 edition of “The Orthodox Church” (an OCA publication) lists him as suspended in June:


BLUMENTRITT, The Rev. Timothy, who was attached to Three Hierarchs Chapel, St. Vladimir’s Seminary, Crestwood, NY, is suspended from all priestly duties / June 28, 2005.

And four months later he was defrocked:


BLUMENTRITT, The Rev. Timothy, who was suspended, is now deposed from all sacred functions of the Holy Priesthood and his name is removed from the ranks of clergy of the Orthodox Church in America by the Holy Synod of Bishops / October 18, 2005.

Read the rest of this entry »

More Tough Questions on Katinas Situation

March 15, 2007

Further tough questions are being raised by the The National Herald regarding how the Katinas situation has been handled: Read the rest of this entry »

The National Herald: Katinasgate?

March 14, 2007

The National Herald asks why Father Katinas’ punishment was relatively mild with respect to the alleged crime, which the Archdiocese itself admits was committed: Read the rest of this entry »