Archbishop Dmitri Reacts to Fr. Katinas Charges

Message from Archbishop Dmitri of the OCA on It is the best message we’ve seen from a hierarch so far in reaction to the Fr. Nicholas Katinas revelations.

February 22

Dearly Beloved,

As many of you may already know, most distressing news has reached us about the alleged misconduct of the long-time former pastor of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church here in Dallas. I have known Fr. Katinas for many years, as many of you also have known him. I find the charges against him unbelievable and I pray they are not true.

However, it appears that they may be and thus we must pray not only for Fr Katinas and his family, we must also pray for the victims of this tragedy. In fact, we are all victims because we are one family in Christ. We rejoice together but we must be one when we face such sorrows.

Our task is not to judge anyone in this matter, that will be the purview of others. Rather, we must show love for all involved. We must also be on guard not to have such events sully our faith or the Church. We are all sinners, and as we pray before Holy Communion, “of whom I am first.” None of us can go inside the minds of any of the people involved in this. Only they know their motivations, and of course God knows. For us, it is enough to pray and pray sincerely that out of such a tragedy that no one’s faith is crushed. That our loving Lord, who forgives those who sin, will bring peace and forgiveness to all involved. That “the evil may be made good by Thy goodness” as we pray at the Liturgy of St. Basil.

Let us also pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. We must “bear one another’s burdens”, as St. Paul instructs. We must be willing to do what we can to stand with them in their hour of need; to show support and above all love. Let each of us do what we can to be instruments of healing.

If in the days ahead we read additional news accounts of this unfolding situation, let us do so with sober reflection and compassion for all.

Asking your prayers, I remain,

Yours in Christ,

Archbishop of Dallas and The South

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