National Herald Article on Sexual Misconduct of Fr. Nick Katinas

February 24, 2007

Rev. Nick Katinas Accused of Sexual Misconduct
By Theodore Kalmoukos
Excerpts from The National

An excerpt:

In an interview with Archbishop Demetrios of America last Saturday, February 17 (four days prior to Father Kontogiorgis’ visit to the Dallas parish), the Archbishop initially tried to convince the National Herald not to publish the story. He then stated, “What I am saying is that it is a very sensitive and complex issue, and it thus needs be treated with great caution if it is published or whatever else.”When he was asked why he requested Father Katinas’ transfer from the Metropolis of Denver to the Archdiocesan District of New York in June of 2006, Demetrios, clearly uncomfortable, said, “I thank you for calling me. I answered you. Our interview stops here.”

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Healing Seminars and Metropolitan Letter

February 23, 2007

This message was sent out February 23, 2007 to the parishioners of Holy Trinity in the wake of charges of sexual misconduct with a minor against Fr. Nicholas Katinas, who served for 28 years in this Dallas parish.

Dear Beloved Parishioner of Holy Trinity,

Please see the attached beautiful and prayful message of His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah: View Letter

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Metropolitan Isaiah Sends Letter to Dallas Community

February 23, 2007

This letter from Metropolitan Isaiah was sent out February 23, 2007 to the parishioners of Holy Trinity in the wake of charges of sexual misconduct with a minor against Fr. Nicholas Katinas, who served for 28 years in this Dallas parish. View PDF Copy; the full text is also below:

Reverend Christopher Constantinides (Proistamenos), the Esteemed Parish Council, the Faithful Members of The Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church (13555 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, Texas 75240).

Beloved in the Lord, having been informed of devastating news regarding your beloved priest, Father Nicholas Katinas, I am expressing my deepest sadness to all of you.

I had been informed last summer of rumors regarding his assignment in a Chicago parish 30 or more years ago, but I have waited for more clarification before communicating with you. Due to a recent eye operation, I am not allowed to travel to be with you. But I feel very strongly that it is most important to share my thoughts and feelings with you with this letter.

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GOA Press Release: Dallas Clergyman Suspended

February 22, 2007

In response to further inquiries, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America provides the following:

As communicated to the faithful in the Orthodox Observer, the Rev. Fr. Nicholas Katinas, formerly the pastor of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Dallas, Texas, has been suspended from all priestly functions, effective July 5, 2006.After a thorough investigation of allegations of serious misconduct involving minors, Fr. Katinas was suspended in accordance with the Archdiocese’s Statement of Policy Regarding Sexual Misconduct by Clergy. As a result of the suspension, Fr. Katinas can no longer perform any liturgical, sacramental or other priestly functions. The suspension, in accordance with existing Canon Law practices, is valid for all Orthodox Christian jurisdictions.

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Archbishop Dmitri Reacts to Fr. Katinas Charges

February 22, 2007

Message from Archbishop Dmitri of the OCA on It is the best message we’ve seen from a hierarch so far in reaction to the Fr. Nicholas Katinas revelations.

February 22

Dearly Beloved,

As many of you may already know, most distressing news has reached us about the alleged misconduct of the long-time former pastor of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church here in Dallas. I have known Fr. Katinas for many years, as many of you also have known him. I find the charges against him unbelievable and I pray they are not true.

However, it appears that they may be and thus we must pray not only for Fr Katinas and his family, we must also pray for the victims of this tragedy. In fact, we are all victims because we are one family in Christ. We rejoice together but we must be one when we face such sorrows.

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Priest abuse claims led to suspension

February 21, 2007

Appeared on the front page of the Dallas News on Feb. 21, 2007, and also on their web site at:

Priest abuse claims led to suspension
Greek Orthodox leader retired July 1

11:51 PM CST on Wednesday, February 21, 2007

By SAM HODGES / The Dallas Morning News

Months of rumors ended with devastating confirmation Wednesday night that the longtime, beloved pastor of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in North Dallas was suspended over allegations of child sexual abuse.

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